Darryl Yap¡¯s 16th film follows the story of Luneta "Lunie" Paticul, a typhoon-battered social worker and K-drama fanatic who faces a life-changing decision. Super typhoon wreckage litters her community, and a Korean company out of pity offers a seemingly golden escape: sell their land for a new port, trading ruined homes for fresh starts, jobs and quality housing; As the leader of their community, Lunie is tasked with negotiating with the Korean boss's son, who assigns the job to his hapless assistant, Juanito "Jun" Mamaril.
Eager to impress and uphold his boss's reputation, Jun dives headfirst into a hilarious transformation, morphing into Park Jun Jun, a suave Korean businessman. To convince Lunie, Jun takes her to Korea where things take a sudden twist when the "real boss" gets to meet our charming heroine. As Jun and Lunie navigate the deal's complexities, cultural clashes, and their own blossoming feelings, their riotous journey unveils the depths of human resilience, family love, courage, forgiveness, and the enduring spirit of the Filipino people
4F Myungdong Bldg., 16-4 Dosan-daero 30-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06049, Korea